NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | 2nd or better |
2.000 07/22 15:27 |
3.400 07/22 16:04 |
0 | 3rd or worse |
1.727 07/22 15:27 |
1.300 07/22 16:04 |
1 | 2 Dr Sanderson | B Haslam | R P McLernon |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
- 07/22 16:05 |
2 | Animore | H Burns | Ryan Mania |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
- 07/22 16:05 |
3 | Grand Soufle | James Moffatt | Charlotte Jones |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
34.000 07/22 12:22 |
4 | Sean Og | Mrs Dianne Sayer | Sean Quinlan |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
5.000 07/21 18:04 |
5 | 5 Breaking The Ice | G Bewley | Jonathon Bewley |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
- 07/22 16:05 |
6 | Going Mobile | S England | Jonathan England |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
- 07/22 16:04 |
7 | 1 The King Of May | B Ellison | Craig Nichol |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
- 07/22 16:05 |
8 | 6 Over Milk Wood | G Hanmer | Jack Hogan |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
- 07/22 16:05 |
9 | Into The Sunset | D McCain Jnr | B S Hughes |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
9.000 07/21 20:58 |
10 | 2 Bensini | R L Llewellyn | Charlie Price |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
- 07/22 16:05 |
11 | 4 Judicial Review | James Moffatt | Danny McMenamin |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
- 07/22 16:05 |
12 | Karapiro Doug | D Brooke | Miss Pippa Brown |
SP 07/20 12:11 |
- 07/22 16:04 |