NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | On An Island | Scooter Davis | Willie Martinez |
SP 07/23 14:10 |
4.000 07/24 14:23 |
2 | I'm The Cabana Boy | John Fennessy | Walber Alencar |
SP 07/23 14:10 |
12.000 07/24 14:23 |
3 | 3 Holla At Your Boy | Kevin Rice | Israel Rodriguez |
SP 07/23 14:10 |
- 07/24 21:47 |
4 | Neon Deion | Lisa Allen | Mike Allen |
SP 07/23 14:10 |
- 07/24 21:47 |
5 | 2 Change The Hour | Randall Russell | Gaddiel Martinez |
SP 07/23 14:10 |
- 07/24 21:47 |
6 | 4 Very Debonaire | Aldana Spieth | Scott Spieth |
SP 07/23 14:10 |
- 07/24 21:47 |
7 | 1 Crowned Jewel | Teresa Connelly | Ronald Allen Jr |
SP 07/23 14:10 |
- 07/24 21:47 |
8 | Twelvetwo | Cally Herrington | Pablo Morales |
SP 07/23 14:10 |
- 07/24 21:47 |