Newcastle 2024-08-08 06:15

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Always In Kim Waugh Benjamin Osmond 11.000
08/07 00:07
08/08 06:16
2 5 Spirit Of Storm Sam Kavanagh Robbie Downey 12.000
08/07 00:07
08/08 06:16
3 There There Ciaron Maher Jason Collett
4 Princess Cruizer Paul Perry Ashley Morgan 10.000
08/07 00:07
08/08 06:16
5 Dreams Of Thunder Rodney Bailey Ms Molly Bourke 15.000
08/07 00:07
08/08 06:16
6 3 Gold Dust John O'Shea & Tom Charlton Zac Lloyd 4.600
08/07 00:07
08/08 06:16
7 Mischief In Dubai G Ryan & S Alexiou Zac Wadick 11.000
08/07 00:07
08/08 06:16
8 4 Linguee Kim Waugh Jay Ford 17.000
08/07 00:07
08/08 06:16
9 Tender Streak Nathan Doyle Andrew Adkins 10.000
08/07 00:07
08/07 18:17
10 1 Wings Of Desire Michael Freedman Tommy Berry 2.500
08/07 00:07
08/08 06:16
11 Michelle's Girl Kellie R Nicholls Jenny Duggan 71.000
08/07 00:07
08/08 06:16
12 Miss Boom Boom Garry Frazer Unknown Jockey 12
13 2 Up The Country HOLLY WILLIAMS Braith Nock 13.000
08/07 00:07
08/08 06:16