Charles Town 2024-08-09 23:32

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 1 Martha's Heart Michael Sandoval Maximo Chilo SP
08/08 14:22
08/09 23:41
2 Glass Star Miguel Ramos Javier Rivera SP
08/08 14:22
3 3 Breaking Bullet David Walters Denis Araujo SP
08/08 14:22
08/09 23:41
4 4 Lovely Lucy Ronney Brown Christian Hiraldo SP
08/08 14:22
08/09 23:41
5 2 Bobbi Two Steps Ronney Brown Christian Maldonado SP
08/08 14:22
08/09 23:41
6 Special Note Kent Knudsen Anthony Mawing SP
08/08 14:22
08/09 23:41
7 Gone With The Wyn Vanessa Peltroche Alexis Rios Conde SP
08/08 14:22
08/09 23:41