Prairie Meadows 2024-08-27 02:08

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Hide The Demon Schuyler Condon Kylee R Jordan SP
08/25 14:13
08/27 02:09
2 Ocean Of Storms Jon G Arnett Ken S Tohill SP
08/25 14:13
08/27 02:09
3 2 Uxmal Henry Jr Guillory Walter De La Cruz SP
08/25 14:13
08/27 02:09
4 Barbershop Kelli Martinez A Pusac SP
08/25 14:13
5 3 Davidic Line Jon G Arnett A Birzer SP
08/25 14:13
08/27 02:09
6 1 Mr Thunderstruck Kelli Martinez A Martinez SP
08/25 14:13
08/27 02:09