NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | 6 Valhalla Vixen | McLean Robertson | Serafin Carmona |
SP 08/28 14:13 |
- 08/30 00:52 |
2 | 4 Savona | Esteban Martinez | Guillermo Rodriguez |
SP 08/28 14:13 |
- 08/30 00:52 |
3 | 2 O'Babe | Gary Scherer | Alonso Quinonez |
SP 08/28 14:13 |
- 08/30 00:52 |
4 | Rosalina | Veronica Litfin | Fausto Silva Da |
SP 08/28 14:13 |
5 | A Roze And Wine | Michael Biehler | Brayan Pena |
SP 08/28 14:13 |
6 | 5 Honorable Mischief | Coty Rosin | Eduardo Gallardo |
SP 08/28 14:13 |
- 08/30 00:52 |
7 | 1 Always Smiling | Matt Williams | Luis Fuentes |
SP 08/28 14:13 |
- 08/30 00:52 |
8 | 3 Mia Baby | Patrick Fields | Kelsi Harr |
SP 08/28 14:13 |
- 08/30 00:52 |
9 | I Came To Shame | George Smith | Roberto Morales |
SP 08/28 14:13 |
10 | Wings From Above | Bruce Riecken | Constantino Roman |
SP 08/28 14:13 |
11 | Shacked Stateside | Larry Donlin | Luis Valenzuela |
SP 08/28 14:13 |
- 08/30 00:52 |