Mandurah 2024-09-11 12:15

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 1 Distribution 2.050
09/11 12:09
09/11 12:16
2 Sozin's Azzurri -
09/11 12:16
3 Pint Of Special 1.952
09/11 12:09
09/11 12:16
4 3 Terramungamine -
09/11 12:16
5 Ash The Flash (Res)
5 Ash The Flash
6 2 Pad Up Astro -
09/11 12:16
7 4 Miss Valentine 1.720
09/11 12:09
09/11 12:16
8 Circle The Moon -
09/11 12:16
9 Impress Rocks 1.800
09/11 12:09
09/11 12:16
10 Prime Voltage
10 Prime Voltage (Res)