NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Be My Huckleberry | F Dewaine Loy | Walter De La Cruz |
SP 09/15 14:12 |
- 09/17 00:26 |
2 | Aztec Empress | Tammy Hornsby | Ken S Tohill |
SP 09/15 14:12 |
- 09/17 00:26 |
3 | I Got A Name | Tyrone Gleason | A Birzer |
SP 09/15 14:12 |
4 | 4 Ms I Speight | Brandi Fett | G Corbett |
SP 09/15 14:12 |
- 09/17 00:26 |
5 | Lazy N Lucky | David D Mcshane | Tyler W Bacon |
SP 09/15 14:12 |
- 09/17 00:26 |
6 | 2 Big Tippa | Mark Lemburg | Kylee R Jordan |
SP 09/15 14:12 |
- 09/17 00:26 |
7 | 3 Goddess Of War | Valorie Lund | Elvin Gonzalez |
SP 09/15 14:12 |
- 09/17 00:26 |
8 | 1 Stay Fabulous | Lynn Chleborad | A Pusac |
SP 09/15 14:12 |
- 09/17 00:26 |
9 | 5 Breathtaking Folly | Jose Ibarra | Kevin Roman |
SP 09/15 14:12 |
- 09/17 00:26 |