NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Hurricane Alert | Ronney Brown | Christian Hiraldo |
SP 09/19 14:26 |
7.000 09/21 01:16 |
2 | 1 Jazz With Denis | Stephen Murdock | Ederik Robles |
SP 09/19 14:26 |
1.250 09/21 01:16 |
3 | 2 Restless | Anthony Farrior | Arnaldo Bocachica |
SP 09/19 14:26 |
2.750 09/21 01:16 |
4 | Lastwalktofreedom | Anthony Rideoutt | Wesley Ho |
SP 09/19 14:26 |
5 | Angel Of Attack | Michael Jones | Alexis Espinoza |
SP 09/19 14:26 |
- 09/21 01:16 |
6 | 5 Happy Years | Michelle Knoblauch | Justin Lewis |
SP 09/19 14:26 |
- 09/21 01:16 |
7 | 3 Doctor Pardo | Lela Hanagan | Reshawn Latchman |
SP 09/19 14:26 |
7.500 09/21 01:16 |
8 | Uncle Eddie | Leandro Barban | Oliver Calderon |
SP 09/19 14:26 |
9 | Don'tcalltooearly | Michael Atkins | Joseph Schneider |
SP 09/19 14:26 |
10 | 4 Yangarra | Tonya O Neill | Maximo Chilo |
SP 09/19 14:26 |
- 09/21 01:16 |
11 | Sam Wheat | Terry Huet | Orlando Bocachica |
SP 09/19 14:26 |
- 09/21 01:16 |