Ipswich 2024-09-24 05:49

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Crazy George 2.150
09/24 05:44
09/24 05:50
2 Willow's Witch 1.650
09/24 05:44
09/24 05:50
3 Screaming Blaze -
09/24 05:49
09/24 05:50
4 Trips And Cars (Res)
4 Trips And Cars
5 4 Zipping Adeline -
09/24 05:49
09/24 05:50
6 1 Awesome Love 2.300
09/24 05:44
09/24 05:50
7 Ernie's Hill -
09/24 05:49
09/24 05:50
8 3 Whiskey Sipper 1.570
09/24 05:44
09/24 05:50
9 2 Bella Rye -
09/24 05:49
09/24 05:50
10 Panama Power
10 Panama Power (Res)