Laurel Park 2024-09-27 20:18

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 2 Bella Bettina Samuel Davis Jean Briceno SP
09/26 14:17
09/27 20:23
2 1 Miss Harriett Brandon McFarlane Forest Boyce SP
09/26 14:17
09/27 20:23
3 3 Mattitude Jose Magana Jorge Ruiz SP
09/26 14:17
09/27 20:23
4 Beguine Edward Allard Jaime Rodriguez SP
09/26 14:17
09/27 20:23
5 Deco Strong Flint Stites Ricardo Chiappe SP
09/26 14:17
09/27 20:23
6 Talk To The Judge Marya Montoya Mychel Sanchez SP
09/26 14:17
7 Kitten's Appeal Bruce Levine Jeiron Barbosa SP
09/26 14:17
09/27 20:23
8 4 Anonymously Jose Corrales Darwin Rodriguez SP
09/26 14:17
09/27 20:23