Townsville 2024-10-13 04:55

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 1 Candlelit Steven Royes Justin Huxtable 1.550
10/13 04:49
10/13 04:56
2 Celebration Matthew McGuire Jackson Murphy 19.000
10/13 04:55
10/13 04:56
3 3 Borneo Georgina Holt Lacey Morrison 5.000
10/13 04:55
10/13 04:56
4 Deer Hunter Taylor Connor Graham Kliese 29.000
10/13 04:55
10/13 04:56
5 2 Jawgo Alexander Malliff Chelsea Jokic 2.350
10/13 04:49
10/13 04:56
6 Whittlesford Tracy Simmons Justin P Stanley 19.000
10/13 04:55
10/13 04:56
7 Out Of Sight Steven Royes Nathan Thomas
8 Switch And Slide Bill Kenning Scott Sheargold 12.000
10/13 04:55
10/13 04:56
9 Ginger Mick Graham Hughes Pietro Romeo 71.000
10/13 04:55
10/13 04:56
10 5 Tsunami Force Joao Campeao Jason Taylor 151.000
10/13 04:55
10/13 04:56
11 Tantrums Bill Kenning Denicious Smith 23.000
10/13 04:55
10/13 04:56
12 4 Rocky Blonde Leslie Gordy Adam Sewell 51.000
10/13 04:55
10/13 04:56