Richmond 2024-10-23 10:05

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Blocked 2.500
10/23 10:00
10/23 10:07
2 1 Nirmada -
10/23 10:06
10/23 10:07
3 3 First Lady 1.500
10/23 10:00
10/23 10:07
4 Wild Reggie -
10/23 10:06
10/23 10:07
5 2 Son Of Dawn -
10/23 10:06
10/23 10:07
6 Buzzing -
10/23 10:06
10/23 10:07
7 4 Rail Beyond -
10/23 10:06
10/23 10:07
8 Panama Lilly -
10/23 10:06
10/23 10:07
9 Vonnie Lee (Res)
9 Vonnie Lee
10 Up The Score (Res)
10 Up The Score