[219] The Citadel 53-105 Vanderbilt [24] 2024-12-19 01:00

Stadium: Memorial Gymnasium

Home Manager: Mark Byington Away Manager: Ed Conroy

The Citadel The Citadel   Vanderbilt Vanderbilt
7 3 Pts 12
12 2 Pts 26
8 Ft 17
0 Time Outs#T.O 2
16 Fouls 16
47.1 47.1
Ft %
81 81
27 Successful Attempts 55
5 Max Points in a Row 12
0 Biggest lead 53
0 Lead changes 1
00:00 Time spent in lead 39:45
57 57
Possession %
43 43
The Citadel The Citadel   Vanderbilt Vanderbilt
7 3 Pts 12
12 2 Pts 26
8 Ft 17
0 Time Outs#T.O 2
16 Fouls 16
47.1 47.1
Ft %
81 81


1 2 F
21 32 53
49 56 105


  • Memorial Gymnasium
  • Nashville, USA
  • Capacity: 14316