Vincennes 2024-10-31 12:34

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
0 Hulysse Digeo 7.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
0 Hello Sport 11.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
0 Here We Go 2.875
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
0 Hemma De Brikvil 13.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
0 Gipsy De Chamant 4.500
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
1 Marion Fouty Bon L Cl Abrivard Leo Abrivard 41.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
3 Enjoy The Game H E Bondo G Gelormini 23.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
4 Falco Du Douet W Van Der Zwaan M Verva 34.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
6 Cyrano De B. Vitale Ciotola Y Lebourgeois 29.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
7 Elixir De Crennes E Szirmay F Ouvrie 15.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
8 Follow Me Flash E T Lefranc M Abrivard 9.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
10 Gabelou Carisaie J Et Thuet M Mottier 29.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
12 Harry Carisaie J Et Thuet E Raffin 10.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
14 Great Of Madrik S T Meunier D Thomain 17.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56
15 Ginkgo Thelois F Leblanc J ch Piton 67.000
10/31 12:36
10/31 12:56