NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | Eagle Gate |
19.000 11/14 10:17 |
11.000 11/14 10:44 |
0 | Rawiya |
6.000 11/14 10:17 |
8.500 11/14 10:44 |
0 | Lyubovka |
8.500 11/14 10:17 |
8.000 11/14 10:44 |
1 | Out Of Africa | Joel Boisnard | H Lebouc |
1.500 11/14 10:17 |
- 11/14 10:47 |
2 | The Snark | P De Chevigny | L Roussel |
26.000 11/14 10:17 |
- 11/14 10:47 |
3 | Young And Proud | Boutin (s) | J Moutard |
19.000 11/14 10:17 |
- 11/14 10:47 |
7 | Maminoa | N Paysan | M Justum |
12.000 11/14 10:17 |
- 11/14 10:47 |