NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Come See About It | Steven Cahill | Vernon Bush |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
- 11/23 18:38 |
2 | 3 Dear Santa | Arnaud Delacour | Daniel Centeno |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
2.625 11/23 18:38 |
3 | 2 You Talkin To Me | Kathleen O'Connell | Hector Jr Diaz |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
- 11/23 18:38 |
4 | 4 Catatumbo | Rory Barron | Antonio Gallardo |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
- 11/23 18:38 |
5 | 5 Royal Luck | Juan Arriagada | John Hiraldo |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
7.500 11/23 18:38 |
6 | Napoleon's War | Chelsey Moysey | Jose Batista |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
- 11/23 18:38 |
7 | Crafty King | David Vanwinkle | Alonso Quinonez |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
- 11/23 18:38 |
8 | Denying | Derek Ryan | Samy Camacho |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
- 11/23 18:38 |
9 | Dark And Fitzy | Richard Sillaman | Pablo Morales |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
7.500 11/23 18:38 |
10 | 1 Gilded Age | J D Angelo | Samuel Marin |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
4.000 11/23 18:38 |
11 | Clarestown | Scooter Davis | Rosario Montanez |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
12 | Justintimeforwine | Jose Delgado | Jose Ferrer |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
13 | More Than Work | Kathleen DeMasi | Antonio Gallardo |
SP 11/22 15:23 |
14 | Mr Matuschek | Diane Morici | Jose Batista |
SP 11/22 15:23 |