Casino 2024-11-28 04:14

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 2 Cricket Valley 1.870
11/28 04:05
11/28 04:15
2 Round 'Em Up -
11/28 04:15
11/28 04:15
3 4 Miss Zanellotti -
11/28 04:15
11/28 04:15
4 Go Big Girl -
11/28 04:15
11/28 04:15
5 Shelley Dudette -
11/28 04:15
11/28 04:15
6 Kelly Valley -
11/28 04:15
11/28 04:15
7 1 Make And Break -
11/28 04:15
11/28 04:15
8 3 Steely Mac 1.870
11/28 04:05
11/28 04:15
9 Judication (Res)
9 Judication
10 Must Be Time
10 Must Be Time (Res)