NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | 2 Binghamton | Bill Kenning | Wanderson D'avila |
1.620 12/13 01:42 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
2 | Goodnight Romeo | Taylor Connor | Graham Kliese |
8.000 12/13 01:54 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
3 | 1 Brands | Glenda Bell | Warwick Satherley |
4.400 12/13 01:54 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
4 | Not Worth It | Jeffrey Caught | Nathan Thomas | ||
5 | Cool Macaw | Stephen Bush | Nathan Day |
12.000 12/13 01:54 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
6 | Run Freddie Run | Michael Geaney | Chelsea Jokic |
21.000 12/13 01:54 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
7 | 3 Prideofthebigfish | Joanna Hassett | Pietro Romeo |
2.200 12/13 01:42 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
8 | Take A Dive | Jeffrey Caught | Adrian Layt |
401.000 12/13 01:54 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
9 | 5 The General Talks | Bonnie Thomson | Adam Sewell |
61.000 12/13 01:54 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
10 | The Judging Saint | Sarah Acornley | Tasha Chambers |
401.000 12/13 01:54 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
11 | Whata Bobbi Dazzla | Michael Jokic | Isabella Teh |
126.000 12/13 01:54 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
12 | Elizabethan | Scott Seymour | Raul Silvera Olivera |
126.000 12/13 01:54 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
13 | 4 Hold My Halo | Matthew Mcguire | Scott Sheargold |
19.000 12/13 01:54 |
- 12/13 01:55 |
14 | Rising Prophet | Scott Seymour | Wanderson D'avila |
126.000 12/13 01:54 |
- 12/13 01:55 |