NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | 2 The Honey Badger | Scott Cooper | Scott Sheargold |
19.000 12/17 05:57 |
- 12/17 05:58 |
2 | Chocmint | Megan Purvis | Unknown Jockey 2 | ||
3 | 5 The Cops | Rodney Miller | Adrian Layt |
1.800 12/17 05:48 |
- 12/17 05:58 |
4 | San Tan Toni | Michael Jokic | Pietro Romeo |
1.952 12/17 05:48 |
- 12/17 05:58 |
5 | 3 March Madness | Michael Geaney | Chelsea Jokic |
3.400 12/17 05:57 |
- 12/17 05:58 |
6 | 4 Sodamcute | Michael Geaney | Nathan Day |
1.952 12/17 05:48 |
- 12/17 05:58 |
7 | 1 Love 'N' Vision | Roy Chillemi | Adam Spinks |
1.800 12/17 05:48 |
- 12/17 05:58 |
8 | Cluck | Trevor & Peter Rowe | Isabella Teh |
51.000 12/17 05:57 |
- 12/17 05:58 |