The Meadows 2024-12-21 10:06

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 4 His Special 1.700
12/21 10:01
12/21 10:07
2 1 Fred Rose -
12/21 10:07
3 Set To Sizzle 2.100
12/21 10:01
12/21 10:07
4 Paw Imperial -
12/21 10:07
5 2 Paw Ucolta 2.450
12/21 10:01
12/21 10:07
6 3 Garry Stun On -
12/21 10:07
7 Fled The Scene -
12/21 10:07
8 Disheveled 1.520
12/21 10:01
12/21 10:07
9 Paw Quinby
9 Paw Quinby (Res)
10 Willa Bale (Res)
10 Willa Bale