NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | 4 Sea Of Flames | M R Mulholland | Clayton Gallagher |
1.870 12/30 03:02 |
- 12/30 03:11 |
2 | 2 How's It Kev | Alison Smith | Matthew Cahill |
1.870 12/30 03:02 |
- 12/30 03:11 |
3 | Weave That Web | Garry Lunn | Zoe Hunt |
51.000 12/30 03:10 |
- 12/30 03:11 |
4 | 1 Epic Poem | M R Mulholland | Shayleigh Ingelse |
2.250 12/30 03:02 |
- 12/30 03:11 |
5 | Possibly So | Andrew Ryan | Chad Lever | ||
6 | 5 Ain't She Swell | Garry Lunn | Mitch Stapleford |
1.600 12/30 03:02 |
- 12/30 03:11 |
7 | 3 Vaquero | Alison Smith | Louise Day |
29.000 12/30 03:10 |
- 12/30 03:11 |