Ruakaka 2025-01-07 02:57

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Because RALPH MANNING Rory Hutchings 1.800
01/07 02:49
01/07 03:04
2 2 Please Sir Ken Harrison Joe Nishizuka 51.000
01/07 03:02
01/07 03:04
3 Sunset Boulevard STEVEN RAMSAY & JULIA RITCHIE Ryan Elliot 1.952
01/07 02:49
01/07 03:04
4 4 Apache Anne KYLIE HOSKIN Joe Doyle 11.000
01/07 03:02
01/07 03:04
5 5 Bella Luce SHAUN & EMMA CLOTWORTHY Masahiro Hashizume 11.000
01/07 03:02
01/07 03:04
6 3 All Shook Up STEPHEN RALPH Ngakau Hailey 2.900
01/07 03:02
01/07 03:04
7 The Yes Girl STEPHEN RALPH Jasmine Fawcett
8 Alation BEN & RYAN FOOTE Courtney Barnes 21.000
01/07 03:02
01/07 03:04
9 Spring Queen STEPHEN MARSH Tegan Newman 1.900
01/07 02:49
01/07 03:04
10 Starry Eyed STEVEN RAMSAY & JULIA RITCHIE Masahiro Hashizume
11 No Plan Be MICHELLE BRADLEY Kelly Myers 17.000
01/07 03:02
01/07 03:04
12 1 Pure Delight Chris Gibbs George Rooke 1.850
01/07 02:49
01/07 03:04
13 The Letter MICHAEL ROGERS Unknown Jockey 13