NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | How Sweet She Is | Jamie Ness | Mychel Sanchez |
SP 01/09 15:18 |
2 | Union Suit | Linda Rice | Jose Lezcano |
SP 01/09 15:18 |
3 | 5 Last Glory | Marcelo Arenas | Francisco Martinez |
SP 01/09 15:18 |
- 01/10 19:13 |
4 | 2 Follow Your Arrow | Wayne Potts | Manuel Franco |
SP 01/09 15:18 |
3.000 01/10 19:12 |
5 | Tipsy Runner | Jr Richard Dutrow, | Jose Gomez |
SP 01/09 15:18 |
- 01/10 19:13 |
6 | 1 Coquito | R Rodriguez | Romero Maragh |
SP 01/09 15:18 |
4.333 01/10 19:12 |
7 | Roman Goddess | R Rodriguez | Christopher Elliott |
SP 01/09 15:18 |
8 | 3 Ribbonsinherhair | Jamie Ness | Mychel Sanchez |
SP 01/09 15:18 |
8.000 01/10 19:12 |
9 | 4 Belle Of The Ball | Linda Rice | Kendrick Carmouche |
SP 01/09 15:18 |
4.000 01/10 19:12 |