NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Double Edged | Jabdiel Castillo | Johariel Rodriguez |
SP 01/12 15:15 |
- 01/13 18:24 |
2 | Wolfie's Princess | Robert Cline | Hector Berrios |
SP 01/12 15:15 |
11.000 01/13 18:24 |
3 | Most Adorable | Susan Yoder | Luis Batista |
SP 01/12 15:15 |
- 01/13 18:24 |
4 | 5 Tale Of The Lyon | Joseph Poole | Luis Gonzalez |
SP 01/12 15:15 |
- 01/13 18:24 |
5 | State Of Grace | Stephani Norris | Alexander Chavez |
SP 01/12 15:15 |
10.000 01/13 18:24 |
6 | 2 Perfectingtheview | Johanna Urieta | Addiel Ayala |
SP 01/12 15:15 |
5.500 01/13 18:24 |
7 | 1 Cliftons Ballerina | Jevon Crumley | Rishawn Blanche |
SP 01/12 15:15 |
17.000 01/13 18:24 |
8 | 3 Dance Drama | Christian Flores | T Houghton |
SP 01/12 15:15 |
6.000 01/13 18:24 |
9 | 4 I Got Hope | Jose Romero | Antonio Giron |
SP 01/12 15:15 |
- 01/13 18:24 |