Mount Barker 2025-01-19 09:00

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 5 Beau Zoom Rebecca Bayliss Kyra Yuill 2.150
01/19 08:50
01/19 09:01
2 Espirito Roy Rogers Taj Dyson 101.000
01/19 09:00
01/19 09:01
3 1 Final Siren Rebecca Bayliss Lucy Fiore 1.650
01/19 08:50
01/19 09:01
4 2 Playing Rio P B Hunter Jason Whiting 1.800
01/19 08:50
01/19 09:01
5 Cable Boy Steve Wolfe Christopher Nicoll 17.000
01/19 09:00
01/19 09:01
6 Madam Kisses Rebecca Bayliss Jason Brown 34.000
01/19 09:00
01/19 09:01
7 3 Invincible Power Rebecca Bayliss Holly Watson 1.952
01/19 08:50
01/19 09:01
8 4 Storm Commander D J Jachmann Lisa Staples 71.000
01/19 09:00
01/19 09:01
9 Top Of The Pops Chris & Michael Gangemi Jessica Valas 41.000
01/19 09:00
01/19 09:01
10 Via Monte D J Jachmann Madi Derrick 126.000
01/19 09:00
01/19 09:01
11 Vonsnip Samantha Faithfull Alex Hearn 15.000
01/19 09:00
01/19 09:01