NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | Fight To Fly |
10.000 01/24 17:57 |
- 01/24 18:36 |
0 | Duchesse De Morny |
4.500 01/24 17:57 |
- 01/24 18:36 |
0 | Meyudine'k |
8.500 01/24 17:57 |
- 01/24 18:36 |
0 | Perfect Picture |
13.000 01/24 17:57 |
- 01/24 18:36 |
1 | Scent Of A Woman | C Ferland | M Guyon |
2.750 01/24 17:57 |
- 01/24 18:36 |
3 | Calla Fonda | V Luka | C Lecoeuvre |
10.000 01/24 17:57 |
- 01/24 18:36 |
5 | Romaniser | G Fourrier | M Eon |
13.000 01/24 17:57 |
- 01/24 18:36 |
6 | Leona Regina | S Gouyette | L Bails |
21.000 01/24 17:57 |
- 01/24 18:36 |
8 | Mino Galeste | H Ghabri | A Madamet |
34.000 01/24 17:57 |
- 01/24 18:36 |
9 | Marie De Prusse | Robert Collet | B Marie |
8.000 01/24 17:57 |
- 01/24 18:36 |