Sha Tin 2025-01-31 09:55

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Seasons Wit JAMIE RICHARDS C Soumillon 51.000
01/31 09:58
01/31 09:59
2 Kaholo Angel CASPAR FOWNES E C W Wong 17.000
01/31 09:58
01/31 09:59
3 1 Packing Angel K W Lui Zac Purton 2.800
01/31 09:58
01/31 09:59
4 Tamra Blitz D Whyte Hugh Bowman 2.100
01/31 09:44
01/31 09:59
5 King Of Fighters A S Cruz Brenton Avdulla 29.000
01/31 09:58
01/31 09:59
6 Bucephalas W K Mo Matthew Chadwick 81.000
01/31 09:58
01/31 09:59
7 Endeared JOHN SIZE Andrea Atzeni 2.000
01/31 09:44
01/31 09:59
8 Solid Car DAVID HALL Karis Teetan 51.000
01/31 09:58
01/31 09:59
9 2 Another World T P Yung Lyle Hewitson 5.000
01/31 09:58
01/31 09:59
10 Devas Twelve W Y So Vincent Ho 26.000
01/31 09:58
01/31 09:59
11 4 Solid Win P F Yiu Mickael Barzalona 1.700
01/31 09:44
01/31 09:59
12 The Absolute K H Ting Harry Bentley 17.000
01/31 09:58
01/31 09:59
13 3 Armour War Eagle Mark Newnham Matthew Poon 1.750
01/31 09:44
01/31 09:59
14 Lucky Combination F C Lor Alex Badel 126.000
01/31 09:58
01/31 09:59