Charles Town 2025-02-07 00:00

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Paynt Your Way Ronney Brown Orlando Bocachica SP
02/05 15:15
02/07 00:10
2 1 Dreaming Of Audrey Anthony Farrior Arnaldo Bocachica SP
02/05 15:15
02/07 00:10
3 2 Timeisgolden Stacey Viands Carlos Marrero SP
02/05 15:15
02/07 00:10
4 3 Gone With The Wyn Vanessa Peltroche Alexis Rios Conde SP
02/05 15:15
02/07 00:10
5 Somebody Loves Me Vanessa Peltroche Fredy Peltroche SP
02/05 15:15
02/07 00:10
6 Cantho Robert Fiesman Kyle Gilbert SP
02/05 15:15
02/07 00:10
7 4 Mo Traffic Timothy Shanley Justin Lewis SP
02/05 15:15
02/07 00:10