The Meadows 2025-02-08 11:33

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 1 Hara's Buddy 1.900
02/08 11:26
02/08 11:34
2 Bounding Chief -
02/08 11:34
3 2 Wyong Dallas 1.850
02/08 11:26
02/08 11:34
4 Lamia Nonna Mary -
02/08 11:34
5 3 Holden Bale -
02/08 11:34
6 4 Canya Nitrate -
02/08 11:34
7 Shake And Bake -
02/08 11:34
8 Paw Erina -
02/08 11:34
9 Cooper's Legacy
9 Cooper's Legacy (Res)
10 Redshift Romeo (Res)
10 Redshift Romeo