Townsville 2025-02-13 07:10

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Go Getaboy Roy Chillemi Tyler Leslight
2 King Jester Lachie Manzelmann Ashley Butler 2.000
02/13 07:05
02/13 07:12
3 2 Miss Seattle Georgina Holt Nathan Thomas 6.500
02/13 07:11
02/13 07:12
4 5 Brad Joshua Manzelmann Tahlia Fenlon 15.000
02/13 07:11
02/13 07:12
5 Crowning Moment Roy Chillemi Brooke Johnson
6 3 Reggie's Boy Leslie Gordy G Kliese 1.750
02/13 07:05
02/13 07:12
7 1 Stick To Your Guns Lindsay Hatch Wanderson D'avila 4.000
02/13 07:11
02/13 07:12
8 4 Under The Limit Tom Button Justin P Stanley 2.100
02/13 07:11
02/13 07:12
9 Mr Metrics Shryn Gabriel-Royes Unknown Jockey 9