Turfway Park 2025-02-15 02:55

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 5 Fazools Paulo Lobo Adam Beschizza SP
02/13 15:26
02/15 02:57
2 3 Freak City Magda Jacobs Fernando Cruz La De SP
02/13 15:26
02/15 02:57
3 Heart's Compass Jimmy Corrigan Yarmarie Correa SP
02/13 15:26
4 Bundchen Wesley Ward Gerardo Corrales SP
02/13 15:26
02/15 02:57
5 Yammy Yammy Bella Marcelino Salas Albin Jimenez SP
02/13 15:26
02/15 02:57
6 2 Starship Liberty Kelsey Danner Gavin Ashton SP
02/13 15:26
02/15 02:57
7 Zappera Paul Brown Sophie Doyle SP
02/13 15:26
02/15 02:57
8 1 Lady Of Power Cherie Devaux Corey Lanerie SP
02/13 15:26
02/15 02:57
9 Raconteuse Ian Wilkes Rafael Hernandez SP
02/13 15:26
02/15 02:57
10 6 Fun Loving Victoria Oliver Irving Moncada SP
02/13 15:26
02/15 02:57
11 4 Stents And Statins Ignacio Correas Vincent Cheminaud SP
02/13 15:26
02/15 02:57
12 One Front War Michael Maker Luan Machado SP
02/13 15:26
02/15 02:57