Aqueduct 2025-02-15 19:56

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Co Conspirator Eduardo Jones Dalton Brown SP
02/14 15:27
02/15 19:59
2 1 Allure Of Money Charlton Baker Keiber Coa SP
02/14 15:27
02/15 19:59
3 Centavo Naipaul Chatterpaul Gokhan Kocakaya SP
02/14 15:27
02/15 19:59
4 3 Debate Wayne Potts Manuel Franco SP
02/14 15:27
02/15 19:59
5 4 Wild Banker Richard Metivier Heman Harkie SP
02/14 15:27
02/15 19:59
6 5 Strong Light Roshan Samsundar Favinho Pino Villa SP
02/14 15:27
02/15 19:59
7 Rerally Elliott Soto Ruben Silvera SP
02/14 15:27
8 Prince Of Joy Ricardo Legall Jacqueline Davis SP
02/14 15:27
02/15 19:59
9 2 Commandperformance Oscar Barrera III Omar Moreno Hernandez SP
02/14 15:27
02/15 19:59