Geraldton 2025-02-20 09:30

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Set The Scene Sean Rains Ava Catarino 251.000
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
2 1 On The Mark Barry Newnham Peta Edwards 1.600
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
3 4 The Rush Malcolm Mackenzie Austin Galati 13.000
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
4 Hard Questions Tony Scally Christopher Nicoll 26.000
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
5 Juruena Gold Gordon Spowart Taj Dyson 51.000
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
6 5 Ironclad Boy Tony Scally Natasha Faithfull 1.750
02/20 09:23
02/20 09:33
7 2 Master Alex Gordon Spowart Madi Derrick 41.000
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
8 Be Seated Ron Cowl (jnr) Jason Brown 101.000
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
9 Enticing Peter J Daly Troy Turner 21.000
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
10 3 Collective Albert Bowtell Alex Hearn 2.000
02/20 09:23
02/20 09:33
11 Stevie's May Albert Bowtell Chanel Cooper 34.000
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
12 Clever Combat William Renwick Lisa Staples 11.000
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
13 Karlstad Gerard Anthony Peter B Farrell 401.000
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
14 First Contact Malcolm Mackenzie Bailey Webster 331.000
02/20 09:32
02/20 09:33
15 Abbou Mack Hall Keshaw Dhurun
16 Weightman Malcolm Mackenzie Unknown Jockey 16