Kangaroo Island 2025-02-20 06:10

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 3 Millivoy Paula Trenwith Stacey Metcalfe 1.800
02/20 06:02
02/20 06:11
2 Final Chance Scott Whittle Matt Chadwick
3 5 Grinzinger Bishop Kym Healy Isaac Sit 23.000
02/20 06:10
02/20 06:11
4 A Magic Gust Leah Conlon Felicity Atkinson 19.000
02/20 06:10
02/20 06:11
5 1 Midnight Rush David Page Justin Potter 1.870
02/20 06:02
02/20 06:11
6 2 Run And Tell Garret Lynch Connor Murtagh 10.000
02/20 06:10
02/20 06:11
7 In The Darkness Jessica Tzaferis Jessica Tzaferis 1.870
02/20 06:02
02/20 06:11
8 Swiss Wish Nicole Irwin Ben Price 1.952
02/20 06:02
02/20 06:11
9 4 Battlecruiser Dane Smith Alice Lindsay 21.000
02/20 06:10
02/20 06:11
10 Wanted In A Gust David Noonan Caitlyn Munro 41.000
02/20 06:10
02/20 06:11