[10] MAC Ujbuda 0-2 DVTK Jegesmedvek [8] 2019-01-27 16:30

Stadium: Tuskecsarnok Round: 44

MAC Budapest MAC Budapest   DVTK Jegesmedvek DVTK Jegesmedvek
0 Pts 2
0 Shots 0
5 Penalties 3
0 Goals on Power Play 0
0 / 2 - 0 / 5


MAC Budapest DVTK Jegesmedvek
58 - Forward - Marton Papa Matyas Vojtko - Defender - 54
7 - Defender - Jesse Dudas Ryan Harrison - Forward - 22
13 - Forward - Krisztian Nagy Mark Miskolczi - Forward - 71
34 - Forward - Istvan Terbocs Daniel Kiss - Defender - 65
71 - Forward - Chris Langkow Rasmus Kulmala - Forward - 87
21 - Forward - Keegan Dansereau Ziga Pance - Forward - 13
14 - Defender - Tamas Pozsgai Jamie Milam - Defender - 61
11 - Forward - Jared Brown Balazs Lada - Defender - 17
8 - Forward - Tomas Klempa Attila Adorjan - Guard - 31
37 - Forward - Barnabas Majoross Balint Magosi - Forward - 82
17 - Forward - Matyas Odnoga Bence Sziranyi - Defender - 6
15 - Forward - Akos Szigeti Adam Vay - Guard - 30
70 - Defender - Zsombor Garat Nick Crawford - Defender - 4
1 - Guard - Bence Balizs Alexis Loiseau - Forward - 74
4 - Defender - Scott Macaulay Balazs Goz - Defender - 33
10 - Forward - Brance Orban Nikandrosz Galanisz - Forward - 8
91 - Forward - Chris Bodo Balazs Somogyi - Forward - 9
31 - Guard - Miklos Rajna Janos Vas - Forward - 21
22 - Defender - John Negrin -
76 - Defender - Cameron Burt -


1 2 3 F
0 0 0 0
0 0 2 2


  • Score at the end of 1st Period 0-0
  • Score at the end of 2nd Period 0-0
  • Goal 1 - DVTK Jegesmedvék -
  • Goal 2 - DVTK Jegesmedvék -
  • Race to 2 - DVTK Jegesmedvék
  • Score at the end of 3rd Period 0-2