

SCII - Assembly Summer 08/01 10:00 - Serral v ZhuGeLiang View
SCII - 8V. Cup 12/15 15:00 - Serral v ZhuGeLiang View
SCII - 8V. Cup 12/11 18:00 - ZhuGeLiang v Mixu View
ZhuGeLiang is a competitive esports team known for their strategic gameplay and exceptional teamwork. Named after the legendary Chinese military strategist, Zhu Ge Liang, the team embodies his intelligence and cunning on the virtual battlefield.

With a roster of talented players from around the world, ZhuGeLiang competes in various esports titles, including MOBAs, first-person shooters, and battle royales. Their dedication to practice and improvement has earned them a reputation as a formidable opponent in the esports scene.

Fans of ZhuGeLiang admire their precision and calculated decision-making, as well as their ability to adapt to any situation. Whether they are dominating the competition or facing a tough challenge, ZhuGeLiang always displays a level of professionalism and sportsmanship that sets them apart from other teams.

As they continue to rise in the ranks of competitive gaming, ZhuGeLiang is a team to watch for their strategic prowess and unwavering determination to succeed.