Photon Gaming

Leagues Played
DOTA2 - Destiny Cup 4


DOTA2 - Destiny Cup 09/02 03:30 - Neon Esports v Photon Gaming 0-2
DOTA2 - Destiny Cup 08/31 03:00 - 496 Gaming v Photon Gaming 0-2
DOTA2 - Destiny Cup 08/29 07:00 - Elephant v Photon Gaming 1-1
DOTA2 - Destiny Cup 08/28 09:00 - Photon Gaming v Execration 2-0
DOTA2 - Asian Masters League 06/30 07:00 - RoyaL v Photon Gaming View
DOTA2 - Red Rain Cup 06/28 03:00 - Neon Esports v Photon Gaming View
DOTA2 06/27 11:00 - 496 Gaming v Photon Gaming View
DOTA2 - Gold Occupation 06/27 09:00 - Photon Gaming v Taichi Gaming View
DOTA2 - Asian Masters League 06/27 07:00 - Sunrise v Photon Gaming View
DOTA2 - Gold Occupation 06/27 05:00 - Photon Gaming v Sunrise View
DOTA2 - Red Rain Cup 06/27 03:00 - Team Adroit v Photon Gaming View
DOTA2 - Red Rain Cup 06/24 05:00 - Photon Gaming v Death Squad View
Photon Gaming is a professional esports team known for their exceptional skill and strategic gameplay in various competitive gaming titles. With a roster of talented and dedicated players, Photon Gaming has quickly risen to prominence in the esports scene, consistently placing high in tournaments and leagues. Their teamwork, communication, and adaptability make them a formidable force to be reckoned with in the world of competitive gaming. Fans of Photon Gaming can expect thrilling matches, intense rivalries, and a commitment to excellence from this top-tier esports team.