Colombia U19 is the national handball team representing Colombia in international competitions for players under the age of 19. The team is composed of talented young athletes who have been selected based on their skills, dedication, and potential to represent their country on the handball court.

Colombia U19 is known for their fast-paced and dynamic style of play, characterized by quick passes, strong defense, and precise shooting. The team has shown great improvement in recent years and has been steadily climbing the ranks in the international handball scene.

With a strong coaching staff and a roster of promising young players, Colombia U19 is poised to make a name for themselves on the world stage. They are determined to showcase their talent, passion, and teamwork as they compete against other top teams from around the globe.

Colombia U19 is a team to watch out for in the world of handball, as they continue to develop and grow into a formidable force in the sport. Their dedication and hard work are sure to lead them to success in future competitions.