Makolanders Women

Leagues Played
Kenya League Women 1


Kenya League Women 07/13 10:05 - Thika Queens Women v Makolanders Women L 3-2
Makolanders Women is a talented and dynamic soccer team based in Makolanders, a vibrant community known for its passion for the beautiful game. Comprised of skilled and dedicated female athletes, the team is known for their fast-paced and exciting style of play. With a strong emphasis on teamwork and sportsmanship, Makolanders Women have built a reputation for their competitive spirit and determination on the field. Led by a passionate coaching staff, the team is committed to developing their players both on and off the field, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all members. Whether competing in local leagues or facing off against top-tier opponents, Makolanders Women always give their all and strive for excellence in every match they play. With a loyal fan base cheering them on, Makolanders Women are a force to be reckoned with in the world of women's soccer.