Cobra Gaming

Leagues Played
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 11


DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 04/10 11:30 - Team Ethereal v Cobra Gaming 2-0
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 04/10 08:30 - Revenge Gaming v Cobra Gaming 1-2
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 04/08 13:55 - Cobra Gaming v Immortal Gaming 0-2
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 04/07 13:35 - Panda v Cobra Gaming 0-2
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 04/06 08:30 - Honor v Cobra Gaming 2-1
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 04/05 08:30 - Team Brave v Cobra Gaming 0-2
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 04/02 13:15 - Vampire Gaming v Cobra Gaming 2-1
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 04/01 14:30 - Meteor v Cobra Gaming View
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 04/01 08:30 - Team Sincere v Cobra Gaming View
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 03/07 08:30 - Vampire Gaming v Cobra Gaming 2-1
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 03/06 02:30 - Honor v Cobra Gaming 1-2
DOTA2 - Masters Tournament 03/05 07:45 - Revenge Gaming v Cobra Gaming 1-2
Cobra Gaming is a fierce and competitive esports team known for their strategic gameplay and skilled players. With a focus on teamwork and communication, Cobra Gaming has quickly risen through the ranks to become a formidable force in the esports world. Their dedication to practice and improvement sets them apart from other teams, and their passion for gaming is evident in every match they play. Fans of Cobra Gaming can expect thrilling and intense gameplay, as well as a strong sense of camaraderie among the team members. Watch out for Cobra Gaming as they continue to dominate the esports scene and leave their mark on the industry.