Leagues Played
LOL - All-Star 1v1 2


LOL - All-Star 1v1 12/07 01:25 - Mikyx v AHaHaCiK 0-0
LOL - All-Star 1v1 12/06 01:03 - Clid v AHaHaCiK 0-0
AHaHaCiK is a dynamic and competitive esports team that is known for their skill and dedication in various gaming tournaments. With a roster of talented players, AHaHaCiK has quickly risen to prominence in the esports scene, showcasing their strategic gameplay and teamwork in every match they compete in. The team is always looking to push the boundaries and set new standards in the gaming world, making them a force to be reckoned with. Whether they are dominating the competition in first-person shooters, MOBAs, or battle royale games, AHaHaCiK is a team that is always ready to take on any challenge and come out on top. With a strong fan base and a reputation for excellence, AHaHaCiK is a team that continues to impress and inspire gamers around the world.