Sheer Cold


Overwatch - OWCS - EMEA 04/14 18:55 - Sheer Cold v A One Man Army View
Overwatch - OWCS - EMEA 04/12 16:00 - ENCE v Sheer Cold View
Overwatch - OWCS - EMEA 03/21 16:00 - Spacestation Gaming v Sheer Cold View
Overwatch - OWCS - EMEA 03/17 17:30 - Sheer Cold v AWW Yeah View
Overwatch - OWCS - EMEA 03/09 20:00 - ROC Esports v Sheer Cold View
Overwatch - OWCS - EMEA 03/08 18:30 - Sheer Cold v AWW Yeah View
Overwatch - Contenders - EU 12/08 20:00 - Sheer Cold v Bro Love View
Overwatch - Contenders - EU 12/08 18:30 - Sheer Cold v Young and Beautiful View
Overwatch - Contenders - EU 12/08 17:00 - Ex Oblivione v Sheer Cold View
Overwatch - Contenders - EU 11/30 18:30 - Raspberry Racers v Sheer Cold View
Overwatch - Contenders - EU 11/30 17:00 - Shu's Money Crew v Sheer Cold View
Overwatch - Contenders - EU 11/29 20:00 - Sheer Cold v Bro Love View
Sheer Cold is a professional esports team known for their dominance in competitive gaming. With a roster of talented players across multiple games, Sheer Cold has established themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the esports world. Their strategic gameplay, quick reflexes, and teamwork have earned them numerous championship titles and a loyal fan base. Whether they are competing in first-person shooters, MOBAs, or battle royale games, Sheer Cold always brings their A-game and leaves their opponents shivering in their wake. Join the Sheer Cold fanbase and witness the icy cool skills of this top-tier esports team.