
Czech Republic Regional League 05/30 16:00 - Prirodni Vedy B v Kosire B L 3-0
Czech Republic Regional League 05/04 16:00 - Kosire B v Kosire A L 0-3
Czech Republic Regional League 06/24 16:00 - Zizka B v Kosire B L 3-0
Czech Republic Regional League 06/24 16:00 - MFF G v Kosire B L 3-0
Czech Republic Regional League 06/17 16:00 - Kosire B v Radotin C L 1-3
Kosire B is a competitive volleyball team representing the Czech Republic. Known for their strong teamwork, skillful plays, and determination on the court, Kosire B has established themselves as a formidable force in the volleyball community. With a roster of talented players and experienced coaches, the team consistently delivers impressive performances in both domestic and international competitions. Fans of Kosire B can expect to see thrilling matches filled with intense rallies, powerful spikes, and strategic plays. Whether they are facing off against local rivals or competing on the global stage, Kosire B always brings their A-game and embodies the spirit of sportsmanship and excellence.