
Leagues Played
France National 3 2


France National 3 09/12 17:00 - Sautron v Saumur Olympique L 0-1
France National 3 08/29 17:00 - Sautron v AS La Chataigneraie W 2-0
Sautron is a competitive and passionate soccer team based in the town of Sautron, France. The team is known for their strong work ethic, teamwork, and dedication to the sport. With a talented roster of players, Sautron consistently performs well in local leagues and tournaments. Their style of play is characterized by quick passing, strategic positioning, and a relentless attacking mentality. Fans of Sautron can always expect an exciting and entertaining match whenever they take the field. The team's colors are blue and white, and their logo features a fierce lion symbolizing their strength and determination on the pitch. Sautron is a respected and admired team in the local soccer community, and they continue to strive for success and excellence in every game they play.