

CLASH - CRL World Finals 11/24 14:30 - Higher v Faust View
R6 - Korean Open 07/10 08:00 - DWG KIA v Faust View
R6 - Korean Open 07/04 08:00 - Faust v SGA eSPORTS View
R6 - Korean Open 07/02 11:00 - 5PM supremacy v Faust View
R6 - Korean Open 06/27 08:00 - Faust v T1 View
R6 - Korean Open 06/25 11:00 - Faust v Cloud9 View
R6 - Korean Open 06/20 07:00 - Faust v DAMWON Gaming View
R6 - Korean Open 06/19 12:00 - Faust v StarRise View
R6 - Korean Open 06/19 05:00 - SGA eSPORTS v Faust View
R6 - Korean Open 06/13 08:30 - Faust v 5PM supremacy View
R6 - Korean Open 06/12 05:00 - T1 v Faust View
R6 - Korean Open 06/09 09:00 - Cloud9 v Faust View
Faust is a competitive esports team known for their exceptional skill and strategic gameplay in various popular video games. With a roster of talented and dedicated players, Faust has quickly risen to prominence in the esports scene, consistently placing high in tournaments and leagues. The team is known for their strong communication, teamwork, and adaptability, making them a formidable opponent for any team they face. Faust's logo features a sleek and modern design, reflecting the team's commitment to professionalism and excellence in the world of competitive gaming. Fans of Faust can expect thrilling matches and impressive performances as the team continues to make their mark in the esports world.