Lion de L Est Ruy

Leagues Played
Burundi Cup 1


Burundi Cup 01/25 13:30 - Alpha CD v Lion de L Est Ruy L 3-0
The Burundi soccer team, known as "Lion de L'Est Ruy," is a formidable force in African football. The team takes its name from the majestic lion, symbolizing strength, courage, and pride. The players are known for their skillful play, teamwork, and determination on the field.

The team represents the East African nation of Burundi and has a passionate fan base that supports them in every match. The players wear the national colors of red, white, and green with pride, showcasing their patriotism and dedication to their country.

"Lion de L'Est Ruy" has a rich history of competing in international tournaments and has achieved success in various competitions. The team's style of play is fast-paced, dynamic, and exciting to watch, making them a favorite among soccer fans around the world.

With a talented roster of players and a strong coaching staff, the Burundi soccer team continues to make a name for themselves on the global stage. They are a force to be reckoned with and are always ready to roar their way to victory.