Storm Wolves

Leagues Played
CS:GO - ESEA Advanced 5


CS:GO - ESEA Advanced 06/09 17:00 - Storm Wolves v One Tap Gaming 0-1
CS:GO - ESEA Advanced 06/08 19:00 - Exalty v Storm Wolves 1-0
CS:GO - ESEA Advanced 05/05 18:00 - AVANGAR v Storm Wolves 1-0
CS:GO - ESEA Advanced 04/27 16:00 - Storm Wolves v LDLC OL 0-1
CS:GO - ESEA Advanced 04/26 16:00 - Storm Wolves v Nemiga 0-1
Storm Wolves is a fierce and competitive esports team known for their aggressive gameplay and strategic prowess. With a roster of talented players from around the world, Storm Wolves dominate the esports scene with their lightning-fast reflexes and unparalleled teamwork. Their signature playstyle is characterized by their relentless pursuit of victory, leaving their opponents in awe of their skill and determination. As the storm gathers and the wolves howl, the competition knows that they are in for a fierce battle when facing off against this formidable team. Join the pack and witness the power of the Storm Wolves as they conquer the esports world one victory at a time.