The Crew

Leagues Played
R6 - Nordic Championship 2


R6 - Nordic Championship 01/12 17:00 - Nordic Project v The Crew 0-0
R6 - Nordic Championship 01/04 19:30 - The Crew v 50 Hirvis 0-0
"The Crew" is a dynamic and talented esports team known for their exceptional skills and teamwork in various competitive gaming titles. Comprised of a diverse group of players from around the world, The Crew has quickly risen to prominence in the esports scene, consistently delivering impressive performances and securing victories in high-stakes tournaments. With a dedicated coaching staff and a strong emphasis on strategy and communication, The Crew is a force to be reckoned with in the world of competitive gaming. Whether they are dominating the battlefield in first-person shooters or outmaneuvering opponents in strategy games, The Crew's passion for gaming and commitment to excellence make them a formidable presence in the esports community. Watch out for The Crew as they continue to make their mark on the esports world and strive for greatness in every match they play.