SER Gramado

Leagues Played
Matches 2x20mins 2


Matches 2x20mins 03/01 20:00 - SER Gramado v Praia Clube L 1-5
Matches 2x20mins 03/01 00:00 - Joinville v SER Gramado L 6-1
SER Gramado is a competitive futsal team based in the picturesque town of Gramado, Brazil. Known for their fast-paced and skillful style of play, the team has garnered a strong following of loyal fans who pack the stands at every match. With a roster of talented players who are dedicated to the sport, SER Gramado consistently delivers exciting and entertaining performances on the futsal court. Their commitment to teamwork and determination to succeed make them a formidable force in the futsal league. Whether they are playing at home or on the road, SER Gramado always brings their A-game and never fails to impress spectators with their passion for the sport.